Log in again after turning on the checkbox to stay signed in - and see if Firefox remembers this time.

If you still cannot stay signed into Gmail, go back to the Firefox Privacy settings, click the Show Cookies button and delete the cookies the browser may have stored for Gmail and other Google sites. (These settings are under the Options icon in the Windows version of Firefox.) On the Preferences screen, click the Privacy icon on the left side to see your cookie settings if you do not see separate settings for cookies and browsing history, use the drop-down menu next to History and select “Use custom settings for history.” If Firefox is configured to delete all your cookies after you close the browser, your login preferences are being dumped as well. To get to your cookie controls, click the three-lined Menu icon on the right side of the Firefox window and select Preferences. While browser cookies - little strings of text - can be used by advertisers to quietly identify you when you visit certain sites, they can also store login information for websites like Gmail. If you are booted out of your Gmail account each time you quit and reopen the browser, make sure you have cookies enabled in your Firefox settings. I keep checking the box to stay signed into my Gmail account when I log into the Firefox browser on my Mac, but when I quit the program, the browser never retains the information and I have to keep logging in and typing in the security code that gets texted to my phone. Object containing key-value pairs of parameters.Q. Get permission from the user to access the specified scopes offline. Revokes all of the scopes that the user granted. ReturnsĪ Promise that is fulfilled when the user has been signed Signs out the current account from the application. The default redirect_uri is the current URL stripped of query

The default redirect_uri that will be used at the end of the consentįlow. If using ux_mode='redirect', this parameter allows you to override By default, it will open the consent flow Optional if fetch_basic_profile is not set The scopes to request, as a space-delimited string, on top of the scopes defined in the Load the Google APIs platform library to create the gapi object: Īfter the platform library loads, load the auth2 library: function init() ) will usually fail. If you encounter any issue using the library, please report it to our Use to implement Google Sign-In in your web applications. This reference describes the JavaScript client methods and attributes you will